Trauma Impacts The Brain:
The natural consequences of our thoughts and imaginations, get under the skin of our DNA and can turn certain genes on and off, changing the structure of the neurons in our brains.
So, our thoughts dictate our lives and can overtake if we are not careful.
Why Coaching
How Trauma Informed Coaches Differ From Other Coaches
As Trauma Coaches, we have the life experiences and through those experiences, understand how the aftereffects of trauma affects us. Because trauma affects everyone differently, we like to explore looking at past traumas that are affecting clients in the present day. By identify the root cause, it helps clients to make a distinct connection as a result of their trauma and see the environment may have played a role in your daily life. Other types of coaching look only at the present/future with clients and will not help to uncover the root of the clients experiences. We do not use structured therapies, diagnose or assess mental health challenges or give advice on how a client should handle a certain situation. We do however discuss options, view experiences, use neuroscience and education for potential growth and understanding what happens in the physiological and psychological with trauma, goal setting, and helping to guide the client to see the best potential outcome for them. The coaching.client relationship is equal. No one is more superior than the other. The client takes the lead. We as coaches choose to support clients always, without judgment for choices they make or do. We focus on positive changes with tools to manage daily life as a survivor who is healing.
How Is Trauma Informed Transformative Healing Is So Effective?
There are multiple reasons how Trauma Recovery Coaching is effective: Childhood trauma is a relational trauma, which means it happened in the context of relationships. The journey of healing and working through developmental trauma also happens in the context of relationships. The coaching relationship with the client is built around the client learning how to feel safe with another person. Complex Trauma survivors unconscious brain was programmed in a negative manner. It’s learning to create new neuroplasticity to rewire and adapt to positive change while building safety within. Clients needs are met specifically and individually, not generally. Each client is recognized as having their own needs to be met and sessions are tailored to those needs and goals. We walk alongside our clients. We work together, helping the client claim power and authority over the circumstances and speak their truth while learning to integrate principles into their life thar are positive for healing. We work with the whole body; mind, body, and spirit. There is never a cookie cutter approach. Instead we listen to what the client needs and offer the benefit of education, experience, empathy, hope, encouragement and inspiration.
Coaching vs Therapy
Complex PTSD Coaches do not diagnose, cure, treat or prescribe medication. Complex PTSD/Trauma Coaching is not therapy, counseling, advice giving, mental healthcare, or treatment for substance abuse or any addictive behaviors and should not take the place of. However, we do work alongside licensed mental health professionals.
Trauma Coaching is for people who have endured childhood or adult trauma and maybe struggling with the aftereffects. Most do not know they have aftereffects. Clients struggle with emotion regulation, negative thinking/cognitive distortions, excessive nervousness, extreme sadness, mood swings/anger outbursts without realizing the cause, or who may have done some internal healing work and want to dig deeper to identify the connections of what is holding them back from healing today. Coaching clients take the lead every session. Coaching involves using the side-door approach with effective tools, brainstorming, goal setting with plan of action, accountability, education, assignments, examining lifestyles and coping skills and responding to questions from the coach.
Many of these are maladaptive (negative) survival techniques are used to keep us safe. Many maladaptive patterns we have experienced in our lives, were engraved from the environment we were exposed too. We unfortunately become a product of our environment. Learning to unwire all those pathways and create new neuropathways helps to overcome this. Building a relationship build on trust and safety, knowing we will NEVER ask you to share your full trauma story. That is retraumatizing and simply isn't necessary for healing.
Trauma coaching is removing the band-aid and slowly working through layer after layer, making identifications through education and evaluation to allow for connection and recovery. It's discovering the root cause in the physiological to heal the psychological. This is because our trauma can become trapped in the cellular level. What the brain doesn't remember, the body does. That's what survival mode does. We work to decrease survival mode and shift in to living, thriving mode.